Our Mission:
Offer healthier foods to our family, friends, and neighbors by building from the ground up through implementation of sustainable and regenerative farming practices.
Our Values:
We’re in the soil building business because that is where it all begins. We care for and revitalize our soil through a cyclical process of grazing, intensive nutrient deposition, and resting. The restoration of balanced microbiota in the soil is essential for promoting healthy plant growth and increasing moisture retention. The resulting forage provide a delectable, nutritious buffet for our grazing animals. Healthy soil = healthy pastures.
We believe animal husbandry is an equal partnership. We respect and honor our animals by allowing them to express their inherent animal-ness. Our rotational grazing practice gives animals consistent access to fresh pasture where they are free to feed, drink, lounge, play, sleep, and dust-bathe of their own accord. When the time comes to put food on the table, we can be assured that our animals lived happy lives. Healthy animals = healthy food.
Our History:
Chain Lake Pastures was established in 2016 by Rick and Sarah Cedergren, when we fulfilled a long-standing dream to return to the countryside and buy some land. Sarah and I both grew up in the Chisago Lakes area and then went off to college in the city. But 10+ years of urban life was more than this farm boy could tolerate. During our time in the city, I spent several years working for both local and global food manufacturers, and became disillusioned with the constant focus on bottom lines rather than healthfulness. I wanted better food for myself and my family.
I started composting…then gardening…then researching…all the while dreaming of our own sustainable farm. We took classes, read books, joined organizations, and after years of self-inflicted angst over our limited farming options in the city, Sarah couldn’t take it anymore.
“We should just buy a farm”, she said.
And we did.